Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

Amazing Sky Of Indonesia


Amazing Sky Of Indonesia


Rabu, 18 April 2012

Treatment of skin diseases

Wet skin diseases such as scabies, sores and ulcers are common in children, even adults often also experience. If at any time you are exposed to wet skin disease and it was far from a doctor, this Java-style treatment should be tried because it's very potent.Here's how:Find a coconut will fall, open cucupnya and scarring of the soft parts are white. Paste the grated coconut is currently going at night, clean up when it was morning. Repeat several times until her wet skin disease cured.Good lu...

Minggu, 15 April 2012

Health Scraping

Scrapings is one of Indonesia's traditional medicine is still and has always been known by the people of Java. Scrapings are very powerful to treat colds and aches in the body. Scrapings usually around the back to treat colds, stomach bloating and back feel stiff and really uncomfortable. If your shoulders feel stiff you can do scrapings on top of your arm, when the calf feels sore you can also do scrapings on the calf. Very effective and efficacious to treat complaints of colds, aches and malaise.Scrapings of materials:A. Coin.2. Balsam.3. Cloth.Coins are used to rub or scrape the back or body parts were deemed unhealthy such as shoulders, neck, legs and back. Before rubbed or scraped off before the part to be rubbed or scraped it should be...

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